Pregnant and Moving to Tribeca: Essential Tips to Consider

by JStudios
Better to move now than after having a baby
Yeah, we know it sounds like a drag, but when you consider the time demands your little one is about to have on you as an infant. You will soon understand how your timing is more spot-on than you may think. Read on for some tips to make your move go smoothly.
The key to a successful move to Tribeca during pregnancy is amazing planning ahead of time, and understanding that you cannot do everything yourself.
Nothing is better than excellent planning
A lot is swimming around in your mind of the things to do before your transition as well as in preparation of your move, so find something right now to start jotting down notes as you think of them.
Leverage technology
Back “in the day” our planning may involve a pen and a notebook. You can still take it old-school and keep the classic method. We recommend an app that you can sync with all of your devices. Microsoft OneNote is one such app, but there are plenty of others to choose. The point is that you can jot down your thoughts as you have them, and because it syncs with every device, your phone, desktop, tablet, and your partner’s device can all have the same notes as soon as any of you add them. Keep separate tabs to organize each action and resource, to-do lists, shopping lists, and essential numbers.
You will need a few lists right out of the gate. That will help you prepare for some of the steps to follow:
First, inventory your belongings. How much furniture and personal items will be packed and moved? Is there anything that you plan to discard or donate to make more room or replace with new? If you have a partner moving with you, get them involved in this step, for they may think of many items that might slip your mind.
Next, inventory the items you need. Start with any supplies that are associated with your move. Things like packing tape, bubble wrap, and plenty of markers are useful if you plan on doing some of your own packing. Next, think of any household cleaning items you need. While we recommend getting as much assistance as possible, you also want to make sure that your new home is stocked with everything going forward.
Finally, inventory the items you plan to purchase for your new home. As part of your planning process, you can start shopping for those items and schedule delivery during your moving process, so you don’t find yourself scrambling for essential items, especially if they are baby items.
Accept that you need help
You are more delicate today than you were last year. Be kind to yourself during your pregnancy and ask for help. All of the tasks of packing, cleaning, and carrying of moving boxes can be done by others.
You can chase down a dozen movers in an endless game of phone tag, but there is a better solution. Post your moving details out on CityMove. That’s all you have to do. Movers will come to you – responding to your post with their quotes. You can’t get much easier than that.
Plan for cleaners to tackle both residences. Imagine coming into your new home with the only task of planning where to place everything. Thumbtack and Bark are two resources for locating available services in Tribeca.
Talk to your doctor
Advise your doctor of your moving plans. They may have some specific advice to make your move a safe and comfortable experience for you and your baby. Your doctor has been following your pregnancy and may have some particular instructions for you. Some general guidelines about being safe with lifting are to be mindful of how much you try to carry, push, or pull. The weight varies by how far along you are with your pregnancy. Pregnancies less than a week are limited to 18 pounds. Anything above 20 weeks is limited to 13 pounds.
If you will be changing doctors when you move to Tribeca, it’s time to get those appointments scheduled. Your current doctor may have some recommendations for a new OB as well as a Pediatrician. You may have some new patient paperwork to complete ahead of time. You also want to have your medical records transferred to your new provider. Don’t forget to transfer your prescriptions to a new pharmacy. It’s not something you want to be worried about after settling in your new home.
You will be hyper and antsy to get started, even if you hired a mover to do most of the word for you. As long as you take it easy and not overexert yourself, it’s okay to start packing. It gives an excellent opportunity to analyze what you need and what you can purge.
Start early
If you are doing your own packing, the earlier, the better. If you start six to eight weeks ahead of time and pack only a couple of boxes a day, you’ll be ready in plenty of time before moving day. You’ll probably be thinking of more details for your planning lists, too.
Pack “kits” to keep you organized
Have kits to stay behind for any incidentals as your old home starts to feel empty. Such a kit might include some cleaning supplies, extra toilet paper, snacks, and bottles of water in case you find yourself staying behind late and start to feel dehydrated and hungry.
Have another kit for your new home filled with items you might need if unpacking takes longer than expected. Your new home kit will have an all-purpose cleaner, paper towels, disposable plates and forks, and toilet paper with a day or two of non-perishable food and beverages. Don’t forget about a change of clothes and essential toiletries in your new home kit! Also remember your medications, prenatal vitamins and favorite gadgets.
Take care of YOU and baby
Moving day is stressful and demanding in the best of conditions, especially in New York City. Accept that your pregnancy has demands on you that trump any moving needs.
Listen to your body
Being pregnant and moving have the same effect of being emotionally and physically draining. That means your effects may be twice as much, so be aware yourself and also make your moving party aware. They may notice it before you. If you experience a rush of emotion, step back and let someone else take the lead.
You may feel the need for a sudden nap. Have a plan in place to be able to excuse yourself and regenerate. Trust that the others have the wheel. Pay attention to any little pains as a sign to stop and slow down.
Getting your house ready for a newborn
It doesn’t matter if your new home is a small apartment or a big house, cleaning your new home while empty also gives you a unique perspective to identify potential hazards and resolutions as you start to turn that empty box into a living and thriving home for you and your family. This step is part of your nesting experience, so take your time for a couple of reasons:
- Be kind to yourself not to get too fatigued
- Take this opportunity to make it into something that gives you joy
When it comes to cleaning if you can hire someone to do it for you ahead of time, DO IT! Otherwise, take great care when it comes to cleaning solutions. Choose cleaners that are light on fumes or use plant-based ingredients to make the process more comfortable for you and your baby.
Plan a visit to the Prenatal Yoga Center

As a new mom-to-be in Tribeca, you need a place to find support as your pregnancy continues. Aside from yoga at the Prenatal Yoga Center, you will be introduced to your new community and find a source of support. PYC has workshops and events, all designed to prepare you for the big welcoming party for your little one. Get ready for some new bonding friendships!
Good luck and congratulations!
Moving is exciting, and your future is wide open. Your friends at CityMove want your experience to be as memorable (in a good way) and stress-free as possible. See all about how it works for pulling resources to your fingertips and saving you the search.